Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How Long Do You Live On A Liver Hemorrhage After How Many Years Of Heavy Drinking Do People Get Sick And Die?

After how many years of heavy drinking do people get sick and die? - how long do you live on a liver hemorrhage

I will be in June 30 and I started drinking too much a few weeks. I have 6 to 12 glasses of alcohol on most days. How long does it take for you to feel ill with liver problems? It depends on genetics? Do you know anyone who drank heavily all his life and made it a happy health problems to live long lives with little or no?


lovingda... said...

The question you ask is a complex problem. What I really wonder how long I can my liver without major physical consequences of abuse.

The answer to this question depends upon factors. The most important thing is to consider what other functions of the liver is now done and at what level. If your liver is working overtime, or processing of fats, toxins, then it is not the extra workload of detoxification of alcohol is very well tolerated.

The second important point to consider is how much damage has been done on his liver in his life so far. Livers tend not to heal. Sun damage is cumulative. That way, people can die psyrossis.

Given his tendency to drink, I want to avoid many things. 1. To take general, non-prescription painkillers. The combination of alcohol and NSAIDs do not kill your liver over time of the day. 2. Avoid driving himself in a situation in which they will be tempted to drive drunk. It is not only to sustain their license, they will likely do you think of the killing of another, and haveDealing with the emotional and legal consequences.

Oracle said...

It can occur within hours!

Everything you need to do is drink a lot in one evening before bed. Vomiting and breathe - death comes quickly.

But anyway - which is the best!

Excessive alcohol consumption leads to organ failure and a number of diseases that lead to a slow, slow and painful death!

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