Monday, December 7, 2009

Real Tiny Lolas Tiny Red Spiders - That Run Real Fast, What Are They?

Tiny Red Spiders - That Run Real Fast, What are they? - real tiny lolas

Tiny red spiders - What is Run Real Fast: What are they?
I have no idea what they are. Not only the common spider, I suppose, but not extreamly small and red-ish? And running like crazy, the hard to kill.

What are they? What can I do to get rid of them? I live in the United Kingdom, the really rare to find that random spiders in central London.

Thank you. (This was the 10th time this week, I saw in my house, where it before.)


Deb said...

You do not know what they are called, but they leave their factories. Do you have a plant of the cochineal suffering? or the degree? is usually where they are. to relocate outside with soap and water or spray with white oil Confidor (use sparingly) Where in the UK, should you not have those products to the local nursery or contact a garden center for the right product to treat. Good luck:)

Madi said...

when they are very small, as you say, are small red dots mites. Plants should be hung in the house, if that is what they are because they suck the juice of love are. It will not hurt, but multiply and kill their crops.
Use a systemic insecticide or soap.

Jeoseff Ricardo E said...

I think a baby ITTS - black spider - widow's pension

Im not so sure, but beware: it is a bite of this type of spider, the

then use the Baygon spray and let --

switchfo... said...

They are not dangerous
do not worry

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