Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cotton Commodity Are You Worried About High Commodity Prices? What Are You Doing To Protect Yourself?

Are you worried about high commodity prices? What are you doing to protect yourself? - cotton commodity

As maize seems to now be linked to oil prices, everything else is related to (maize hectares of maize has almost everything to remove other and soybeans: corn can be priced 2-2:5: 1) and oil will be driven by speculation, They are about what make a sudden drop in oil prices in May at the price of everything (corn, soybeans, cotton, etc.), worry? Especially now that the fertilizer and rents have risen? Wheat seems to be something that was becoming increasingly rare due to the drought in the world and people with low end.


Bohemian... said...

We are growing by 90% of our own food in our own farm. We also have two years now, a storage of food.

We live debt-free except the mortgage, and the few notes that we had not finished, like electricity.

We pay the cost of the average mortgage in a single month of October (given we drove for 5 years if they have a idea how serrious we live debt free).

We are frugal but not cheap at all. Few people understand the difference. Always Used items of better quality than you can. For example, my wheel barrel costs about $ 120 over 10 years. My neighbor buys parts from U.S. $ 39.95 in the trash every year. Mine still looks brand new, zero repairs. To buy each year. Now they have at least $ 399.95 for wheel barrels output to 10 years. My price has fallen to $ 12 per year. That's what I mean frugal but not cheap.

Never buy too elegant. We buy what we want and we buy quality.

Our farm produces water will soon clean electricity, heat,Fuel and in the administration of trucks and tractors (of rape) and the food we eat.

We invest in our family and friends, trips to amusement parks is no television, and the size of the Titanic.

Because everything at the price of soya and maize specialists is connected, we have our very best to the divorce with all products that contain corn done.

We will continue to refine our skills and learn that we make, regardless of the outside world. To this end, we will build our new house since the beginning to us.

The accounts can only hope that in the next five years, the Internet, cell phones, and will be the taxes because they do not escape easily. The Internet and cell phones are a luxury that we enjoy (you may have noticed, I said nothing about television?).

We protect ourselves by independent and self-sufficient.

Garnet ~
Permaculture homesteading / farming over 20 years

big John T said...

not be difficult times of high prices is a kind of equilibrium that is happening without a contract for the future when the prices of goods are high in December to buy all the entries and then grain Contract enough not to cover the contributions Forgot sure you do not, a few dollars more money and buy insurance for more security is the key to the survival of every dollar that you now have insurance and scholarship programs and you'll need, for planting in the future $ 7 corn Sell and get $ 3 more words to governments and businesses of insurance and the rest will be in push-Place to Fall

Mogollon Dude said...

I want to live with Bohemia. I have one or two years dry, and there are some hundreds of cattle and elk and loved. I would like to develop a year of turmoil, then a form of social skills and exchange of goods and hope to adapt to. Search for Bang Bang.

Mogollon Dude said...

I want to live with Bohemia. I have one or two years dry, and there are some hundreds of cattle and elk and loved. I would like to develop a year of turmoil, then a form of social skills and exchange of goods and hope to adapt to. Search for Bang Bang.

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